Friday, August 22, 2008

Seven months down; three to go!

Yay third trimester! Twenty-eight weeks down and twelve more to go.... The baby should be ~2.5 lbs. by now which is exciting. Our baby is still measuring longer than the average baby, so s/he's probably a bit heavier than that. With the great height and rapid movement, I'm clearly incubating the next great Olympian. S/he's most likely a boxer, which so far has been bad for my belly but good for David.

He was finally able to feel the baby move. Normally most movement happens when I am sitting or lying down or when David isn't home. The baby will move while David is around, but the second he puts his hand to the belly all movement halts. David didn't have the option of not being around though this week on our incredibly long train ride home from the Midwest (more on that 34 hours of fun later). On the train David took to randomly (and lightly) punching the outside of my belly. (Please, I welcome you to imagine the look on my face the first time this happened.) David explained that it said in one of his books that he should punch the outside of the belly and the baby would punch the inside, like a little baby/Daddy game equating in me getting punched from both sides. Great. As silly as this "game" sounds, it did work, whether out of enjoyment or annoyance, the baby rewarded David with a healthy return jab, and not the run of the mill little bump but a "Whoa, I think my hand is bruised now" whopper. The only downside was that the baby apparently didn't understand the rest of the game which entailed repeating punches/kicks in succession patterns cued by Dad's punches, which apparently signals that the child is destined to be a genius. But, who needs a genius baby when s/he's the greatest thing since Michael Phelps?

1 comment:

Laura said...

It took more than a month after I had felt the baby move for my husband to actually feel it. Finally one night when we were in bed and he had his arm across my belly, he felt the baby. Wish we had known the "punching" trick!