Monday, October 29, 2012

School time

Avonlea Jane in her pre-ballet and tumbling class. We were able to get her into a combination class this year with some older girls. Last year she was upset that she was so much taller and older seeming than the other girls in her class. 

The teachers at Henny Penny are nice enough to load photos online so parents can get a peek into what their kids do during the day at preschool.

On Show and Tell day, our dress-up girl wore her signed Dan Zanes t-shirt to talk about her first concert. On another Show and Tell day, she brought in a gyroscope Great Aunt Tori had given her and talked about visiting her family in Georgia.

Making art with Mrs. Hermann

She told us that there are a lot of rules for the sand table. For example, if you throw sand, you can't play with it again--ever. And according to her, "Whoa. It happens."

Avonlea Jane's story and illustration: "One day there was an old castle far away in an old mountain. There was an old king and an old queen; they were ghosts. They have a baby girl, her name is Mrs. Hart. An old woman came to the castle to steal the baby. The next morning, the king and queen woke up and saw the baby was gone. They looked everywhere in the castle and outside the castle. They wished they had another baby. The other queen gave the baby back to the ghost queen."

Gym time with Miss Joan

Circle time

This is the photo identifying her cubby at school. Avonlea Jane's cubby is found right after the cubbies of Ava and Avely. Av must have have been a popular naming trend in 2008. 

For her class Halloween party, she wanted to be a ballerina with her costume from the big, big stage but with leg warmers. This was just one of  eight costumes so far this October. She was half of "Tig and Poop" for the opening Haunted Happenings Parade, Princess Tiana (of The Princess and the Frog) for Mayor's Night Out, an orange fairy later that weekend, Gretel for the costume contest, Katniss for the church Halloween party, a twilight fairy for the 5k, and a ring master for the church parade. 

Her class made different crafts during their Halloween party, decorated cookies, and went trick-or-treating for little non-candy goodies in the Ropes Garden next door. 

Making necklaces

1 comment:

DearMsChris said...

In that last picture Avonlea Jane is next to Liam, our friend Jenna's son! Small world.