Saturday, February 14, 2015

A visit with Uncle Dillon

On a plane . . . again. 

I went to Oak Harbor for a little under a week to celebrate Dillon's 23rd birthday. 

Excited to see his sister when he got off of work

Unfortunately, he was scheduled to work on his actual birthday. 

I snagged his car and drove to La Conner for the day, a tiny town full of art and museums. When our parents arrived a few days later, I took them back. 

The town's quilting museum, which I did not visit. Instead, I went to the Museum of Northwest Art and the Skagit County Museum. 

A public butterfly garden

Even the houses were artsy.

On the way home, I stopped by the Swinomish Reservation to take in some more Pacific Northwestern art, my favorite. 

While Dillon prepped for a flight, I went to seal watch and wait to see his P-3 take off. 

The next day, I met the parents at the ferry landing. 

Watching ships from Ebey's Landing 

We unfortunately didn't get any pictures of the whole family together. 

Such a gentleman once Jess's crutches started to bother her. 

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