Monday, November 8, 2010

Avonlea Jane's birthday party

This Saturday was Avonlea Jane's little chef birthday party. After her friends received their recipe card invitations which came with little wooden mixing spoons, they came over to don toddler aprons and chef's hats. They were perfectly dressed to have some fun decorating cupcakes. The toddlers looked so cute in their aprons that several of their parents also put on aprons from our collection to join in on the fun.

Chef Avonlea Jane checking out her birthday present from Mommy and Daddy

Our chef's hat table for the little kids to create their own

Opening presents

"Happy cake" time

Our sprinkle buffet for the cupcakes was a big hit with the kids, though it didn't work how we had imagined it would. We envisioned nice, orderly cupcake decorating, with maybe two kids at the table at a time. Instead, there was a mad rush to the table, where everyone started shoving spoonfuls of sprinkles into their mouths of the mouths of their neighbors with shouts of "CANDY!" At the start, they were more interested in mixing up the sprinkles in the different bowls than putting them on their cupcakes.

Avonlea Jane's finished product

Finally getting to taste her "happy cake"

Caedmon and Erin with his cupcake

Avonlea Jane exploring her new homemade sushi set with Preston

She understood that the wooden food she received as gifts wasn't real, but she was disappointed to find out the same was true of the felt sushi.

Sharing toys in her room

Her friend Finley taught everyone how to jump on the bed.
Below: Sharing her piano with Abby and Finley

Everyone had a wonderful time at the party until people were getting ready to go home, and there was a terribly unfortunate altercation between our cat Mabel and one of Avonlea Jane's friends, about which we feel awful. Avonlea Jane then spent Sunday scolding, "Mabel, bad boo-boo!" and asking, "More birthday party, please?"

Sunday evening Avonlea Jane found a pair of David's old broken glasses and found a new use for them.

One of her new favorite things is to take Mommy's earrings and hang them over the tops of her ears. So, we got her a few pairs of little girl's clip-on earrings that she can open up on her actual birthday.

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