Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Birthday girl

Last year for her birthday, Avonlea Jane was given a large stuffed Mickey Mouse. This plush figure has been her only exposure to Mickey (whom Daddy calls Mickey and Mommy calls Mouse). In the last couple weeks, she has taken to calling him Pink. In the beginning, when she would ask for Pink, we thought she meant her magenta teddy bear. However, she has been very clear that Pink is the mouse, and he is only to be called Pink.

Last night when we got home from our midwife appointment, Avonlea Jane kept asking, "Pink on back?" We didn't understand what she meant until she clarified by saying, "Pink in Ergo." So we tied him to her with a scarf, and she wore him around the house while we made dinner.

Avonlea Jane loved her birthday party and especially liked opening presents. At the party, we tried to let her open a couple presents, then eat some food, open a couple more, then have happy cake, etc. We didn't want her to feel overwhelmed by presents and not get a chance to really see what gifts she was opening.

For her actual birthday, she had quite a few presents from family members to open. So, we decided to spread out gift opening again and let her open a couple on Tuesday night, some spaced through the day today, a couple tomorrow, and maybe one on Mommy's birthday.

Opening presents from Grandma and Grandpa R on Tuesday night
Below: Reading through a new Frog & Toad book after trying on new birthday pajamas

For her birthday today, she spent the morning at story time at the Peabody-Essex Museum, where she was able to play with her friends Cad, Abby, Preston, and Alma. After story time, they all made Thanksgiving place mats and hand turkeys. When we were done at the museum, we went out to lunch with Cad and Abby, and on our way home, we got a happy cake for tonight.

Opening presents from Uncle Jeff and Aunt Hubbell before nap time

One of Avonlea Jane's presents from Hubbell and Jeff was a matching game to which she took right away.

Exploring cook wear from Mawmaw

Making dinner just as Daddy comes home

We took a break from present opening to eat pizza for dinner, as it is one of Avonlea Jane's favorite things (and she already had her favorite food--broccoli--for lunch). Afterward, she opened up a peel and slice fruit kit and then Skyped with Grandma and Grandpa R while opening another gift from them.

Trying on her holiday dress from Mawmaw
Below: Wanting Maxwell to come see her new toys

I made her happy cakes for her birthday party and did not make one for her actual birthday. All week, though, she's been asking for a happy cake with "stars and a moon on it." We weren't sure where she got that idea.

On our way home this afternoon, I took her by Niko's Cakes to pick something out. They had quite the selection (though no stars or moon), and Avonlea Jane asked for two tiger cakes. She wanted to eat one in the bakery, but I told her that we had to wait for Daddy to come home and sing "Happy Birthday." So, as a special birthday treat, Niko gave her a tiny cake to eat while he was wrapping up her cupcakes.

She requested a knife for her cake

Opening up outfits from Mawmaw before bedtime

Her big birthday gift from us was her play kitchen, but we wanted her to have something to open on her birthday, so we went shopping in our basement. (Yay to free presents!) Tonight, we gave her a play village made by her Great-great Grandma Way and Mommy's rotary phone from college. She thought the play village was cute and labeled them "Daddy house, Mommy house, and two baby houses." The phone she enjoyed, but she was concerned that there were no buttons on the receiver and that she had to physically hang up the phone to end her "conversation."

She had a wonderful birthday and will continue to enjoy opening her presents. We'll post those pictures hopefully this weekend.

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