Since Thanksgiving, we have been going non-stop. David took several days off of work around the holiday, which allowed him to go to some of Avonlea Jane's daily activities like story time at the PEM and at the library this Monday.
Below are some photos that somehow missed being included in the Thanksgiving post.
While painting naked in the bathtub might not be the most comfortable way to channel the creative muses, it makes clean-up much easier.
However, this trip to the mall was a quite a surprise. She was perfectly content to go through the different stores without asking for anything, because we made a game of looking for all the animals we could find. Every store we went by or into, we would look for different animals (whether on clothing or on ornaments or in the form of toys), and she was happy to move to the next store, because it meant finding more animals.
After getting her hair cut, we went to a concert in Rockport. The Rockport Chamber Music Festival recently renovated their concert hall, and it is now a truly inspired place. We've been eager to go see it in person but haven't had the opportunity or the means to attend a concert.

The concert that we went to this week was a free concert by the Rockport Madrigals. It was listed on the Rockport holiday happenings calendar, so I assumed they would singing carols and that it would be family-friendly. On the drive up, I kept telling Avonlea Jane potential "Nissmass" songs she might hear, but when we got there and saw the program, they were only doing traditional madrigals. With not a holiday song in sight, I was a little worried about how entertained Avonlea Jane would be.
When the lights went down, she was quiet--quiet for a two year old. Quiet to her means that she can talk quietly, but a whisper in a room with great acoustics isn't much of a whisper. So, after the second song, we moved to the balcony door to watch for a bit before heading to the lobby to watch through a window. When we got to the lobby, we were soon joined by the audience's only other child under ten.
She was interested in the concert for the first half and then asked if we could go look at "Merry Nissmass" lights. Before coming, I wasn't sure if we would make it halfway through, so I was more than happy to leave.
She was having a great time, but it would have been easier to take a picture of the Loch Ness Monster's face than Avonlea Jane's. She was having too much fun to look at the camera.
After the museum, we went to an open house for Henny Penny preschool. They are starting their fall enrollment, and while we think this fall is too early for her to go, there was no harm in exploring our options for the year after that.
As soon as we got in the building, Avonlea Jane was immediately interested in everything. She wasn't sure if she should play with a sand table first or make a painting. So, she made a painting, played with a sand table, and then made another painting.
The next morning we went to Hamilton to see Brian Doser, the Music Man, in Hamilton. He puts on a weekly song and dance event for toddlers, and this was Avonlea Jane's first time attending. She absolutely loved it!
Below: Today, Avonlea Jane went to a holiday party play date at her friend Abby's.
Though she doesn't know who Santa Claus is, she does have a basic grasp of what Christmas is. We went to a Catholic gift shop and looked at nativity sets. She understands that when we say "Merry Christmas" it is because it is a baby's birthday, and that baby's name is Jesus. This is as complex as it can be for a while. She was confused as to why the Baby Jesus wasn't dressed in any of the nativity sets (he was in swaddling clothes), and she kept asking: "Baby Jesus diaper change time?"
David was sadly unable to make it, but Avonlea Jane loved walking the streets and seeing all of the decorated houses as well as listening to caroling groups.
1 comment:
I love the stern talking-to that the pig got before the concert. Pigs can be so unruly. It's good she kept him in line. Now just teach her to say, "That'll do, pig."
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