Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 2

Weight limits mean nothing to Avonlea Jane.

Our new little star

Today a visiting nurse came to the house to check up on Liv and Will. The little one is nursing well and at two days old weighs 7 pounds, 13 ounces (a perfectly normal weight loss). Both mom and baby are fantastic.

Avonlea Jane is very excited to narrate--or dictate--what Will is doing. "Baby Will having mummies. Will's diaper change time. Time to change you clothes. Baby brother sleeping."

She is particularly excited about Will nursing. It was our goal as a family and with her doctor to have her nurse at least two years, and she did until she was 2 years and 8 days old. Liv's back was bothering her on Thanksgiving evening, so she asked Avonlea Jane if it was okay to just have a story and a song without mummies. The next morning, Avonlea Jane declared, "Mummies broken," and hasn't inquired since. However, most of her friends are still nursing, and she loves to talk to them about it. She seemed quite relieved that the mummies were all better in time for baby brother's arrival.

Checking her schedule for visitors

Snuggling up with both babies

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