On Saturday afternoon, many of Salem's residents set to the sidewalks to pay their respects to fallen Army Sgt James Anthony Ayube II, a combat medic and the first Salem casualty in the Iraq/Afghanistan conflict.
Above, Avonlea Jane is standing with our neighbor Mark as we prepare to walk to where the funeral procession will cross through North Salem. (photo credit: Karen Smith, patch.com)
Above, Avonlea Jane is standing with our neighbor Mark as we prepare to walk to where the funeral procession will cross through North Salem. (photo credit: Karen Smith, patch.com)
The flag displayed by the fire department over the North River Bridge (photo credit: Karen Smith, patch.com)
Saturday evening, we hosted our game group's holiday party at our house and welcomed almost thirty guests. Despite the tight quarters, everyone had a wonderful time, especially Avonlea Jane. She was thrilled to get to wear her "Mawmaw party dress," a Christmas dress she got for her birthday from Mawmaw. We didn't happen to take any pictures of the party, but we'll make sure to get photos of her dolled up for Christmas Eve.
Yesterday, we finally made it to a play date a little over half a mile away. This date was particularly special, because I let Avonlea Jane walk there herself (along with her friend Violet) as opposed to riding in the stroller. While she had a good time knocking the snow of every fence post she passed, picking some up every five feet, and running for every pile, calling: "make snowman!" it might have been more efficient to teach the cats how to pull us in a sled to get there.
After walking so much, she was very eager to go to bed at night. When we went in to check on her before we went to sleep, we found that she had gotten out of bed, gotten her Santa hat, and climbed back in.
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