Our little Easter bunnies

Avonlea Jane loved her dress and fascinator.

On Easter morning, Avonlea Jane and David went to church with our friends Ian and Brittany and their son, Oliver. Will and I stayed home due to a rough night with only three hours of sleep. After church, we shared a delicious Easter meal followed by an egg hunt for the kids.

Avonlea Jane spent her first Easter at Ian and Brittany's, too.

Avonlea Jane and Oliver on the hunt for eggs

It was warm enough this week for Willie to sport shorts.

The rarest of occasions: Will sleeping without being held

Love was in the air today. Not only was it our fifth wedding anniversary, but the little princess and I enjoyed watching the royal wedding in our corresponding chapeaux.

Will happily playing during the vows

Avonlea Jane enjoyed the wedding much more than I thought she would. She loved watching all of the horses parade and kept saying, "Mommy, she's going to be a princess!"

On our way to the library today, Will rode for the first time in the backseat of the stroller like a big boy.

We went to the mall tonight, and Avonlea Jane had fun exploring the play area.
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