Thursday, April 7, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa R visit

Last week, Avonlea Jane was convinced, "It gonna be rainin' soon!" When it didn't start raining in the next few minutes, she wasn't very pleased. We decided to use our dry time to go over some nursery rhymes. As of right now, she knows "Wee Willie Winkie," "Hey Diddle Diddle," and most of "Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater," and "Humpty Dumpty."

Here she is doing "Hey Diddle Diddle," but she's a little shy about doing it all by herself.

The fur princess

Grandma and Grandpa R got into town on Saturday to visit for a few days before their trip to Croatia. On Sunday, we all went to the Peabody-Essex Museum to see some traditional folk dancers as a part of their Sensational India weekend.

Coloring a paisley design after the dance performance

Grandpa and Will checking out part of the optical illusions exhibit

Stepping out of the Dutch masters exhibit where Avonlea Jane enjoyed pointing out all of the different animals in the paintings

Will has started to enjoy reaching for and grabbing toys.

Helping Daddy plan his strategy

Grandma made Avonlea Jane some Oobleck and then taught her the term "non-Newtonian fluid."

On their last day in Massachusetts, we took Grandma and Grandpa to Appleton Farms.

Bundled up for the walk

Feeding time for the cows

Looking for the calves

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