Avonlea Jane has had quite the witty week. On Monday, when we were on our way to story time at the library, she said, "Mommy, let's run." I told her we couldn't run because we were going into the library. Her response was, "But you said we were running late."
She spent the early part of the week telling us all about her wife who was going to come visit. "My wife if going to come over today. We're going for a walk; she likes when I carry a basket. My wife does whatever she wants to do. She can jump on the couch and watch cartoons. She will want to play games with me and make me wear shoes." In other family news, Will is now apparently her son, as she keeps telling people. He is also her favorite "stuffed animal" for nap time and bed time.
Last night for bed time, both Mommy and Daddy put her down. For her song, she requested the "rabbit and ocean song," which is "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean." (She doesn't get the difference between "bonnie" and "bunny.") David began to sing, and she said, "No, Daddy. That song's too big for you. Mommy has to sing it."
She's also become quite the shrewd negotiator. On Friday morning, I had a meeting to attend and told her we needed to hurry to get ready to go. She asked, "We're going to go to the playground and see Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Dillon?" I told her no, we wouldn't be seeing them because they are in Indiana. She quickly broke out in a sly smile and said, "Okay, then yes to going to the playground."
Her greatest moment this week was at last night's dinner. She said she was done eating and asked to be excused from the table. She didn't finish her green beans, and I took one off her plate, prompting her to say, "'Scuse me, Mommy. You give that back to me, please?" I apologized that it was gone because I ate it, which did not go over well, as she replied, "Damn it! I am so frust-er-rated!"

She spent the early part of the week telling us all about her wife who was going to come visit. "My wife if going to come over today. We're going for a walk; she likes when I carry a basket. My wife does whatever she wants to do. She can jump on the couch and watch cartoons. She will want to play games with me and make me wear shoes." In other family news, Will is now apparently her son, as she keeps telling people. He is also her favorite "stuffed animal" for nap time and bed time.
Last night for bed time, both Mommy and Daddy put her down. For her song, she requested the "rabbit and ocean song," which is "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean." (She doesn't get the difference between "bonnie" and "bunny.") David began to sing, and she said, "No, Daddy. That song's too big for you. Mommy has to sing it."
She's also become quite the shrewd negotiator. On Friday morning, I had a meeting to attend and told her we needed to hurry to get ready to go. She asked, "We're going to go to the playground and see Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Dillon?" I told her no, we wouldn't be seeing them because they are in Indiana. She quickly broke out in a sly smile and said, "Okay, then yes to going to the playground."
Her greatest moment this week was at last night's dinner. She said she was done eating and asked to be excused from the table. She didn't finish her green beans, and I took one off her plate, prompting her to say, "'Scuse me, Mommy. You give that back to me, please?" I apologized that it was gone because I ate it, which did not go over well, as she replied, "Damn it! I am so frust-er-rated!"
Daddy and Avonlea Jane getting ready to go to the playground sans Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Dillon
Avonlea Jane and I decided to make oatmeal cookies this week. Making cookies with a toddler is an interesting experience, as they aren't much for recipes. I tried to let her do as much as she could, but I lost count of how many times she said, "And, a little more oatmeal," while dumping another handful into the bowl.
She was very proud of her mixing. It made for a curious mix of cookies with no raisins and cookies that were almost entirely raisin.
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