Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Our circle of neighbors has had a lot of blessings lately. In one calendar year, there will have been two weddings and three babies. Recently, we celebrated at the wedding of Mark and Karen.

While we were off toasting our neighbors, Avonlea Jane was home having fun with Carolyn and Joe, and Will was spending the evening with Niccole, Violet, and Brian. The two kids together can be a bit of a handful, so we thought it would be easier to find sitters if we split them up. This was the first time someone other than Grandma and Grandpa R had watched Will. All parties survived the night, but Will refused to eat for the whole eight hours we were gone.

Getting ready to head to the ceremony

The wedding was originally supposed to be outside, next to the Derby Mansion, but we were glad it was moved indoors, as it would have been too foggy to see the happy couple.

Our neighbors Kate and Chad, who will be having a little one in August

Doug and Janet, who expect a baby boy in September

The next day, David left to go to Portland for a week for one of his final work trips.

David spends most of his non-working time in Portland trying out different restaurants recommended by food blogs, magazines, or the Food Network. When he isn't eating, one of his favorite places to go is the Portland Hoyt Arboretum.

Mount Adams

The ship on which David has been working

On Sunday, we celebrated again with our neighbors with a friends and family backyard barbecue. Until we got the camera out, Will had been more than happy to visit with Karen's mom, Christine.

Joe, Carolyn, and Joe's "Little Brother," Charles, sitting with Kate and Chad

Mark and Karen, fresh home from Aruba, told us about their honeymoon.

On Monday, there was a brief parade in our neighborhood, followed by a Memorial Day service at the cemetery. Avonlea Jane found us a great spot to watch, right up front with Mark.

Will mastered advanced flag holding: with his feet.

Self-proclaimed Super Princess Avonlea Jane running home

Hitching a ride

We were so happy that by Memorial Day, all of our flowers were in bloom.

Will at five months old is just the happiest, smiling baby. He is starting to jabber with varied vowel and consonant sounds. He likes to be sitting up, though he can't do it on his own yet, and he loves to stand up. He can accurately reach and grab with two hands and will grab anything he can reach to put it in his mouth. He's growing really fond of toys and is starting to show preferences already.

Will is interacting more and more with other people and actually leaning and reaching toward people other than Mommy and Daddy to be held. By the amount of drool we're seeing, we think teething isn't too far away. Unfortunately, we are having the hardest time locating Sophie the Giraffe, which was Avonlea Jane's favorite teething remedy.

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