Friday, June 25, 2010

More Indiana

Avonlea Jane in a gnome hat that Great-Grandpa recently found (made for her by Great-Grandma B)

Dressed up for her Uncle Dillon's graduation before we decided not to take her

We bought this dress for her to wear to a wedding in Indiana last summer. We were thrilled that almost a year later it would still fit her (in a size 6-12 months). It's so cute, we're sad she won't get to wear it again.

Bath time at Grandma and Grandpa R's

Looking through pictures of herself

Grandpa C, Grandpa R, Grandma C (above)/Grandma R (below), Avonlea Jane, Uncle Dillon (who she just started calling M'unka Dill for "my uncle Dillon"), Liv, David, Great-Grandma R

1 comment:

Like Doogie said...

The gnome hat on Avi is killing me. I don't know if I've ever seen such cuteness in one package! You need to submit that photo to Cute Overload or something.